Meet Phoenix

Registered Acupuncturist

Phoenix is passionate about providing caring and effective treatments that get you results.

She has worked effectively with hundreds of patients to help them achieve pain relief, manage chronic pain and recover from injuries. She has used acupuncture and East Asian Medicine to help patients achieve health goals such as improved sleep and better digestion, increase energy, healthy pregnancies and menopause transition. With the onset of COVID her practice expanded to support mental health issues including anxiety, grief, and depression. Additionally, she has undertaken specialty training to treat vision and eye conditions, and neurological conditions, with a special interest in MS, Parkinson’s disease and Concussion/TBI.

With a back injury in her 20’s that left her experiencing chronic low back pain, Phoenix worked with practitioners in a wide variety of health care modalities to alleviate the pain and regain full function. She became fascinated with the workings of the body and different approaches to health and wellness from seemingly different angles. She left her engineering work and began doing hands on body work studying numerous styles of treatment. Initially her work was musculoskeletal focused, learning trigger point therapy and myofascial release. As she honed these manual skills her focus became more somatic based, including Feldenkrais and the Alexander Technique. As her skills deepened, her focus did as well, moving towards energy work, studying Shiatsu, Reiki, TaiChi/QiGing. Chinese medicine was the logical next step as it sees all these layers as inseparably integrated. With this background she completed her diploma in acupuncture with high honours from Pacific Rim college in 2018. Through this progression she looks at the body holistically understanding treatment approaches from many different angles. She incorporates this holistic approach to tailor effective treatments for many different health concerns.

Since beginning her acupuncture practice, she has taken specialized training in neurology and scalp acupuncture which she has used to support patients with neurological conditions.

Phoenix is convinced she has the best job in the world since she can integrate her interests in promoting health and wellness for her patients with her unquenchable thirst for learning. She loves to explain what she is doing and educate patients to empower them to participate fully in their wellness journey.

She prioritizes ensuring her patients feel comfortable and safe during treatment and her practice is LGBTIQ+ inclusive and trauma-informed.