
What is Chiropractic Care?

Chiropractic care focuses on your spine, muscles, joints, and nervous system. It is a patient-centred, non-invasive & hands-on modality that uses evidence and expertise to diagnose various issues that may be affecting the patient’s movement. Chiropractors go through an extensive education. They are trained in evaluation and diagnosis which allows them to recommend individualized treatment plans that they can deliver to their patients. Chiropractors also learn about other various health topics, including radiology, pain management, exercise and rehabilitation, and others.

Conditions that Chiropractors Can Treat:

Back Pain

Neck Pain

Strains & Sprains

Pain Associated with Arthritis

Work & Sports Injuries

What to Expect

Initial Consultation & Treatment: 40 minutes

Subsequent Treatments: 10-20 minutes

When you arrive for your first appointment, you’ll meet the doctor and deep dive into your case to ensure you’re in the right place where we are able to help. Together, you and your doctor will determine if proceeding with an examination is the right fit for you. During your exam, you’ll go through a series of tests and physical examination, including a full Bio-Structural exam to allow your doctor to create an individualized plan, tailored to your health requirements. Your doctor will go through the results of these tests in a comprehensive review and begin implementing your treatment plan. After your appointment, you should expect to leave with a better understanding of your health concerns and a plan for the next steps.

Our Chiropractors

Dr. Allison Baker