Meet Angelique

Registered Acupuncturist

Angelique is a Registered Acupuncturist, who is offering Traditional Chinese Medicine Modalities and Acupuncture Treatments to those who are moving towards a deeper reality of wellness within themselves. She holds a non-judgemental, inclusive space, as we continue, to lead each other back Home to wholeness.

She was born and raised on the unceded territory of the Syilx/Okanagan first nation (Kelowna B.C.). Angelique gained her Diploma in Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture at Pacific Rim College here in Victoria B.C. She expresses an ongoing reverence and gratitude for her many teachings that are outside of her ancestral lineages.

Angelique is entering into Acupuncture practice following a lengthy career as a Registered Midwife. She gained her training at Otago Polytechnic in Aotearoa New Zealand, a land which is ever precious to the tone of her soul. She provided care for families during the childbearing continuum throughout British Columbia and internationally. She maintains a deep reverence for the complexity of the womb space - before, during and after the child bearing continuum. She holds additional acupuncture training specific to this child bearing year. She is passionate and knowledgeable about healthy and conscious menstruation. She holds an interest in the menopausal journey being reclaimed as a new beginning rather than a punctuated end.

She endeavours to weave her rich midwifery knowledge base together with her ever expanding, and ever diverse foundation of the ancient wisdom of Traditional Chinese Medicine. She is currently exploring the ancient art of TCM Facial analysis/Diagnosis and hopes to incorporate cosmetic acupuncture into her tool belt during the upcoming year.